No 1 French Pear
This variety of pear is Doyenne du Comice, meaning top of the show originating in France. A rich, juicy and meltingly smooth aroma.
{Pear} noun. A sweet yellowish or brownish-green edible fruit, which is narrow at the stalk and wider towards the base. Origin Old English pere, Peru, of West Germanic origin: related to Dutch peer, from Latin pirum.
• Double wall glass in box RRP $49.95
burn time up to 70 hours
• Aroma reeds RRP $39.95
• Tin RRP $24.95
burn time up to 40 hours
• Maxi tea light RRP $6.95
burn time up to 12 hours

Molly & Me Studios {Signature Collection} No 1 French Pear

Molly & Me Studios {Signature Collection} No 1 French Pear